We have a new Inter-library Loan system

Now when you follow the link from the library’s website called NHU-PAC (State Library Catalog) you will now see a lovely purple screen with this message:

Welcome to the NHAIS Interlibrary Loan System which provides access to the holdings of libraries throughout the Granite State and supports resource sharing among them.

You may search for materials by entering terms into the box above. “General Keyword” is a broad keyword search and the dropdown list next to that term provides access to more specific indexes. The Advanced link next to the search box provides more focused search options for finding material in the Union Catalog (NHU-PAC).

Library staff have completed training on using the new NHU-PAC to search, borrow, and loan library materials throughout the state. Please feel free to ask us how to navigate this new system.

NHAIS is a program of the New Hampshire State Library, a division of the NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. NHAIS funding is made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act.

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