Local folks have taken creating art to a new level and the library is loving the results! In the interest of sharing the creativity of our community, the library will be curating these amazing pieces of digital art.
Introducing the library’s new art project:
Recreations: for the love of art and sanity.
The library will be curating your art recreations. Submit entries to circulationdesk@canaanlibrary.org and we may add them to our library website for people to enjoy. Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the piece of art and artist’s name that has inspired you.
Your submissions are your consent for the library to use your creations on all of our social media and online platforms. In the future, maybe we will even have an “in person” art opening.
Join in the fun!
Norman Rockwell. The Discovery (Boy Discovering Santa Suit, Bottom Drawer), 1956. Recreated by Jeremy Platka.Unknown. Gnome, 19??. Recreated by Koby VanBeest.Vincent Van Gogh. Sunflowers, 1888. Recreated by Tracy Guest.Francesco Hayez. Susanna at her Bath, 1850. Recreated by Stripe Demarest & Sage.
Edvard Munch. The Scream, 1893. Recreated by Kim McQuaid
HOURS Hours:M 1-8 pm, T 1-8 pm, W 1-8 pm, TH 1-5 pm, F 9-12 pm, S 9-1 pm
Library Take Out is no contact pick up of library materials.
Call or email your requests and we will confirm your specific pick up date and time. Library Take Out: Every day we're open!