A Surprise for Lola!

Thanks to everyone who made our open house a huge success. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, but I always have fun at the library, that’s pretty obvious. A few of you asked me if the color scheme intentionally match that of the high school. While it was not a conscious decision, it did become a happy coincidence, didn’t it?

It was so great that we were able to really surprise Lola with her award from the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association. The Trustees and I thought she would be the perfect person to nominate and were so excited when we heard that she would be honored with the special service award. Thanks to Ann and Jean from the Trustees Association who came to present the award.

So I know that the big question on everybody’s mind is when will we finally be able to go downstairs? There is some stairway cleanup that needs to happen so we can all be safe and then we will be ready to go. Can you bear with us for a few more weeks?

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