New Gardens

You must come down to see the gardens that the Friends of the Library have planted — they are fantastic (and the Friends aren’t so bad either)!
Let me take this opportunity to plug the Friends of the Library. This group is working very hard to help beautify the library, and help us purchase items that our normal operating budget just can’t handle.
The new sandwich board that tells you what is going on at the library — The Friends donated!
The new Library Flag that tells you where the library is — The Friends donated!
The new OPEN flag that tells you when we’re open — The Friends donated!
The new benches that make sitting outside to use the wifi or just to hang out so comfortable — The Friends donated!
The new book cart that helps us librarians get our work done faster — The Friends donated!

This very active group that is always looking for volunteers.
Coming up is the Friends of the Library Plant Sale on June 13 from 9am-1pm. All money raised goes towards landscaping and I am told there are many more great projects to come!

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