Thought on the Meetinghouse Readings

This past Thursday was the final installment of the 19th annual Meetinghouse Readings. We certainly went out with a bang this year, I think the weather was hoping that if it didn’t behave, we would have to continue for another week!
I look forward to the Readings all year, and I am always a little down when they are over. There are people I won’t see again until next year — like Vanessa, who I discovered has the exact same taste in books that I do and says that she waits to have her first lemonade of the summer until the readings! There is the excitment of meeting new people, and watching our younger audience members grow up while the rest of us continue to look young and fresh every year — amazing!
I also look forward to baking cookies and treats — as strange as that may sound. I don’t always want to turn the oven on in the heat of the day, but I love trying out new recipes and if you can believe it, seeing the serving trays that grace our table.
Of course the flowers are always gorgeous and what can I say about our friend, the bat! I was so glad he was back to hear a few readings this summer.
The Readings are one of the many reasons why I can call Canaan home. The sense of home that driving up to the Meetinghouse and seeing the people with their picnics and those others enjoying a final dip in the lake before taking up their seats comforts me. The quiet of the street when the readings are over and people have driven home gives me peace.
Next year’s series can’t come soon enough.

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