Week #4 Meetinghouse Readings, July 31, 7:30pm

“To read Alice Fogel’s poems is to enter, or rather to be drawn, always toward an inner space. Every image, every word unlocks a secret door into a farther room. That, of course, takes art, and that is precisely what Fogel has plenty of. . . . Her poems shine with intelligence. Brooding and meditative, Fogel is a poet alert to every nuance of the inner life, a true phenomenologist of the soul in that New England tradition to which both Emily Dickinson and Jane Kenyon belong. She is one of the best poets we have.” — Charles Simic. Alice has published three books, Be That Empty, I Love This Dark World, and Elemental and she has also had her poetry published in many journals and anthologies.
Askold Melnyczuk is the author of three novels, What is Told, Ambassador of the Dead, and The House of Widows and the novella, Blind Angel. He teaches in the Bennington Graduate Writing Seminars and at Boston University, where he also edits the literary journal AGNI. He lives in Medford, Massachusetts.

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