Pass-the-Book starts February 11

Paa the book
“Pass-The-Book” Reading Series 6:05pm, Wednesdays

February 11 through March 25: 6:05 to 6:50 pm

Join us for an adventure of the mind. Short Stories read out loud and in DRAMATIC fashion by neighbors you know in the warm, friendly atmosphere of the Canaan Town Library. Come read, listen, and enjoy.

February 11: Reading Aloud, Nicholson Baker & A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

February 18: A Cosmopolite in a Café, O. Henry & A Duel, Guy de Maupassant

February 25: How I Edited an Agricultural Paper, Mark Twain & The Model Millionaire, Oscar Wilde

March 4: Aloha Oe, Jack London & A Delicate Subject, Natalya Baranskaya

 March 11: The South, Jorge Luis Borges & Wants, Grace Paley

March 18: A Tiny Feast, Chris Adrian & My Financial Career, Stephen Leacock

March 25: All You Have to Do & Missed Connection, B.J. Novak & How the Neighbor Earned His Nickname, Rebecca Rule

 [Program hosted by the Canaan Town Library & Supported by Friends of Canaan Village]

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